Sunday, July 8, 2012

4015. Squint

Squint is a paleolagus who is part of Gutt's crew in Ice Age: Continental Drift. Squint packs an amazing amount of crazy into his diminutive, prehistoric rabbit frame. If he were more than three feet tall and his adorable bunny ears didn’t always seem to pop up when agitated, he might genuinely be terrifying. His two great passions are his bone knife and unprovoked acts of violence. Squint is definitely the bad boy of the swashbuckling crew, with a thirst for violence that borders on insanity (most likely the reason captain Gutt decided to let the tiny, prehistoric rabbit on his crew). This paleolagus is anything but classy, always letting out some rude or rancid comment, or making some embarrasing gesture (which seems to get on his shipmates nerves, at times). And like any rabbit, this little energizer bunny has enough energy to keep an animal 10 times his weight going for days. But most importantly, as any crew member knows, never call Squint cute or cuddly 'cause once he raises his ears in aggitation you have 5 seconds to run before you bunny chow.

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