Sunday, July 8, 2012

4016. Captain Gutt

Captain Gutt was a Gigantopithecus that took to being a self-styled master and captain of the high seas, taking whatever food he could find by theft and hoarding it with the help of his crew. Gutt took to the seas on a massive ice floe that resembled a galleon made of ice and plant matter. Out at sea, Gutt encountered a number of animals, all stranded, and took it upon himself to rescue them so as to make them his crew, after which they took to a piratical lifestyle and raided ice floes with other creatures, notably one ridden by Manny, Sid, Diego and Sid's Grandmother, launching massive chunks of ice at it in an attack. At some point, Gutt and his crew captured Scrat, who was lost at sea and had found a map of sorts, etched onto an acorn shell: Gutt and his crew forced the Saber-tooth squirrel to board their ship as a captive. As a hostile ape character, Gutt showed a short temper when provoked, as well as the capability of grim humor at the expense of others. To newly-caught animals, Gutt put on an oily, patronizing persona to entice them to join his crew. As a Gigantopithecus, Gutt was a large, sinewy primate, that, despite his bulk, was capable of fast movements, such as the ability to climb virtually any surface, if the need arose. Gutt often made use of all four of his limbs, for his legs had hands rather than feet, and could stand on his arms to gesture with his legs and hand-feet. Gutt sported a scalp of black hair which resembled a tricorne hat and a greying beard on his face, which was topped with a mouth mouth full of yellow and yellowing teeth. Along with this, Gutt's back fur tapered over his frame at the back, resembling a pirate captain's coat. When the need arose, Gutt could engage others in battle, using a sawfish skull to fight as one might use a sword. Jeremy Renner was originally picked to voice Captain Gutt, but was later unavailable to voice the ape; it was later decided that Peter Dinklage would fill the role and voice the villain.

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