Sunday, April 15, 2012

3180. Handy Smurf

Handy Smurf (original French name Schtroumpf Bricoleur) is one of the main characters of the Smurfs comic books and the Smurfs cartoon show, who has appeared on the show throughout its entire run. His role is that of the village mechanic, usually very resourceful and very creative in designing various types of inventions, some of which have proved useful in protecting or rescuing his fellow Smurfs. He is easily identifiable by his workman's overalls and a visored Smurf hat, and carries a pencil around on his ear. In the comics and the movie, Handy's workman overalls are navy blue in color. Unlike the TV series and the movie, his hat lacks the visor in the comics. Handy has a Wisconsin Accent. Handy, as Jokey once remarked, is a very fanatical and driven person. He is often inventing something and is so enthusiastic about it that he fails to see how the others think of it. This has put him in a lot of trouble a couple of times. In the comics, when Handy invented a handheld powered drill, he began testing it on almost everything in the village, and in the process he ruined the bucket of the central well, ruined the halters of Hefty (although Hefty then saw that the iron globes with the added holes could be used as bowling balls, so he didn't mind it that much), sunk Marco Smurf's boat when he drilled through the hull, and finally ruined the cake mold that Smurfette was planning to use to make the cake for Papa Smurf's birthday. After the dough was poured in and went right through the mold, the Smurfs were looking very angrily at Jokey, who defended himself with "It wasn't me, you guys, honest!" Handy walked in and asked if Smurfette liked the collander he made from that old cake mold and showcasing proudly how he did it using the handheld power drill he made. Realizing that Handy was the one behind all the mayhem had been going on in the village, the others chased after him, and at the party they had attached two wooden beams with shoes attached to the drill bit, turning it into a Handy Smurf butt-kicking machine. Handy is the one who builds all the houses and tools for the Smurfs. He plays a great part in the village, being one of the most needed Smurfs. Without him, the Smurfs wouldn't know how to fix things the right way. Handy is always seen building a new thing in almost every episode.

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