Thursday, July 5, 2012

4009. Urane Astroboy Jollibee

Uran (also known as Astro Girl, Sarah or Zoran) is Astro's younger sister. She was created by Doctor Elefun and was presented to Astro as a New Year's gift. She often finds herself getting into trouble and causing trouble for Astro. She possesses a part of Astro's strength but none of his powers, but in the 2003 series she was given the ability to talk with animals. Shes emotional and caring like her older brother as she was based off his design. She has the closest relationship with Astro. She is cheeky, and yet loyal to her brother. Uran (named Astro Girl) was first introduced in the 1960s series. She was presented as a birthday present to Astro, who rejoiced claiming he had always wanted a sister. She proves to be a handful, teaching Astro what it actually means to be an older brother. Formally introduced as Uran, Uran was presented as a gift to Astro on New Year's Day as a thank you for all his hard work. After showing her new family she could dance, Uran already causes Astro trouble only hours into his New Year. By the end of the day Astro and Uran realise that this is the start of a beautiful bondship, as long as Astro keeps track of her. Uran often accompanies Astro on his adventures and acts as a sidekick when she isn't the main cause of the problem. Astro looks out for Uran and in turn she does the same, the best she

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