Tuesday, July 3, 2012

3958. Dim

Dim is a rhinoceros beetle who has a childlike nature from the Disney/Pixar film A Bug's Life. Dim is usually mothered by the black widow spider, Rosie. He is the largest and strongest insect of the circus troupe, and also provides the transport to Heimlich, Tuck and Roll, and Rosie. When the circus bugs perform their magic act in front of Hopper, Dim's provides a refuge for the Queen when she is made to look like she is put into the Chinese Cabinet. Dim also helps Dot scare the evil grasshopper Thumper away. When the ants load Hopper into the circus cannon, Dim jumps onto the cannon, ready to blast Hopper away, but rain begins to fall before he can do so. At the end of the film, some of the Blueberries try to hide under Dim's wings to go on tour with the circus, but Rosie spots them. As the circus troupe leave the island, Dim carries the wagon, leaving Heimlich to be carried by Manny and Francis instead. When Dim roars to help Dot scare Thumper away, his roar is the same as the Tyrannosaurus Rex in Jurrassic Park.

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