Friday, June 22, 2012

3788. Dragon

Dragon is a female dragon based on most classical interpretations of European dragons: she has keeled, ruby-colored scales, leathery bat-like wings, long, crested ears, bony spikes along her jawline, a row of dorsal spines, slitted eye pupils and a long, spade-tipped, prehensile tail to aid in balance. Dragon does not speak, but does use expressive body language and noises to communicate. Like her partner Donkey, Dragon is never given a proper name in the films. Her fire can melt metal in seconds, such as Prince Charming's sword in the third film. She has a taste for knights, her favorite dish. She even has a recipe book for preparing them for dinner. In the first film, Dragon is charged with guarding Princess Fiona in her isolated castle, and is therefore initially seen by Shrek and Donkey as an antagonist. While Shrek tries to rescue the princess, Donkey finds himself at the mercy of Dragon. However, in terror, he successfully, but unintentionally, wins her over. Shrek and Donkey manage to escape with Fiona, leaving Dragon behind. Dragon returns later in the film, having escaped the volanic keep, and reunites with Donkey. She flies him and Shrek to Duloc to prevent Fiona marrying Lord Farquaad, whom she later eats. Dragon and Donkey begin a relationship, and at the end of the film, when Shrek and Fiona get married, Fiona tosses her bouquet and Dragon catches it. She looks over at Donkey, who then looks at Shrek with surprise and slight terror. After Shrek nods to Donkey, giving them his blessing, Donkey accepts Dragon as his mate. In Shrek 2, Dragon is married to Donkey and is absent for much of the film, but nevertheless becomes one of Shrek's good friends. Donkey explains that Dragon has been moody and withdrawn lately, the reason being revealed in a post-credits scene, in which she arrives with six young "dronkeys", who meet their father for the first time. Dragon also appears in Far Far Away Idol, in which she is on stage with Donkey as he sings, and accidentally sets his tail on fire. Dragon plays a more prominent role in Shrek the Third. She and her baby dronkeys stay with Fiona and the other princesses to await the return of Shrek and Donkey. When Prince Charming attacks Far Far Away, Dragon knocks a number of witches out of the sky, causing her and the dronkeys to be captured. At the film's climax, Dragon helps dispose of Prince Charming by knocking a stone stage prop on to him. She is later seen in Shrek's swamp while Shrek and Fiona are caring for their ogre triplets. Dragon also plays a minor role in Shrek Forever After. At the beginning of the film, she flies Shrek and his family to Far Far Away for the triplets' birthday. In the alternate universe, she is still a savage monster due to the alternate timeline created by the contract and Rumpelstilskin's pet. He tries to feed Shrek and Fiona to her, but they escape. With the original timeline restored, Dragon is her normal self, playfully gobbling her husband in a karaoke scene without swallowing.

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