Tuesday, June 19, 2012

3741. Andy

Andy is distinguished by his shaggy dog appearance, but otherwise looks like Snoopy. Olaf and Andy are shown four times in 1994. They are sitting against a barn, contemplating what direction their lives should go in. They appear sporadically after that. Andy and Olaf live together on a farm. Olaf usually plays the jug, and Andy has a full drum set, but is rather clumsy when carrying it and drops it from time to time. Andy and Olaf spent some time traveling to Needles to live with Spike. However, after "two right turns and twenty-three wrong ones" they eventually ended up back at Snoopy's doghouse. After a brief stay and failure to become Rerun's dogs, they continued to wander around and were considering buying banjos in their last appearance on September 27, 1999. Notably, Andy is perhaps the only Peanuts character to have originated in animation before appearing in the strip (with the exception of Missy, Snoopy and his siblings' mother) -- his animated debut was the 1991 TV special Snoopy's Reunion. Andy is based on a wire-haired fox terrier (also named Andy) that Schulz owned from October 1988 to March 1994.

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