Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3541. Sue Bee Honey Bear

The year was 1921. Five beekeepers located near Sioux City, Iowa, got together and formed the Sioux Honey Association. They shared equipment, marketing and processing facilities. Sue Bee Honey was born. The rest is history. In the early days honey was marketed under the "Sioux Bee" label, but the name was changed in 1964 to "Sue Bee" to reflect the correct pronunciation more clearly. Over time other lines of honey were added, including Clover Maid, Aunt Sue, Natural Pure and North American brands. Today membership includes more than 300 members from locations around the country. Collectively, around 40 million pounds of honey are produced each year. Sue Bee Honey is processed in plants located in Sioux City, Iowa; Anaheim, Calif.; and Elizabethtown, N.C. At Sioux Honey Association plants, samples of all honey coming in are tested and graded for clarity, type, flavor, moisture and color. The most advanced methods and the most exacting standards are used to ensure that every grade of honey packed under the Sue Bee label is the finest available anywhere. Today Sue Bee Honey’s global presence extends to the Middle East, Far East, Europe, and South and Central America, and it continues to be a leader in the honey industry with state-of-the-art facilities and environmental awareness. Sioux Honey Association is a green company, which means our products and containers are safe for the environment and we strive to protect our ecosystem through recycling and innovative engineering. Sue Bee Honey is proud of its long and successful history of providing one of the world's purest foods to customers around the world.

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